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Learn Object Oriented Concepts at TCCI –

In Beginning there is Procedure Programming, in which programme is divided into the set of functions.

So, we need the much of variables and these functions have to operate these data. This type of programming is very simple. But as your programme grows, bunch of these functions grow more n more. Numbers of lines of code have to copy and paste. To make change in one function need several changes into the other functions.


So, to resolve this problem Object Oriented Programming came into exist.

In Object Oriented Programming we combine the group of related variables and functions into unit. This unit is called an Object. That data/variable is called property and
functions called Method.

For example, car has properties like colour, model , price etc. and Methods are start() and Stop() etc.

OOPS has main for pillars like Encapsulation, polymorphism, Abstraction and Inheritance.

To learn more about Object Oriented Concepts in detail at TCCI Computer Coaching

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